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舊 2006-03-11, 04:24 PM
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註冊日期: 2006-02-17
文章: 142
預設 Google to Pay $90MM Click Fraud Suit

Google to Pay $90MM Click Fraud Suit

Google to Pay $90MM Click Fraud Suit
Google Inc. has agreed to pay $90 million to settle a lawsuit alleging the company, along with other web search companies, billed advertisers for false customer leads.

Also named in the original lawsuit were the search businesses of Yahoo! Inc., Walt Disney Co., Lycos Inc., LookSmart Ltd. and Findwhat.com Inc., which is now known as MIVA Inc.

Click fraud involves a malicious party repeatedly clicking on an ad link to generate a commission payment with each click. Google's revenues, which are around 97 percent, are the result of pay-per-click ads, reported Reuters.

"In the beginning days, we called this click fraud black magic. We didn't know what it was. We'd argue about the surge in numbers. Where was this coming from? And then it dawned on me: click fraud. It opens up the eyes that it exists in the Google Ad Words system. It's the publishers, advertisers and clients that share the responsibility for catching click fraud and it's a bigger concern that advertisers and publishers want to admit," Micheal Caruso, founder and CEO of Clickfacts, told iMedia.

Nicole Wong, associate general counsel, Google says "We are proposing a settlement with the plaintiffs in this case. The proposal would allow advertisers to apply for credits for clicks they believe were not valid. Specific details of the settlement will remain confidential until it is presented to the judge. We do not know how many advertisers will apply and receive credits, but the total amount, including the legal fees determined by the judge, will not exceed $90 million."



 Google Inc.宣布,公司已同意支付最高9,000万美元的法律费用和广告费抵用补偿,就去年对该公司和其他互联网公司的指控达成和解。这项指控称,这些公司故意超额收取网络广告费用,并彼此心照不宣地继续如此行事。

  原告之一、阿肯色州零售商Lane's Gifts & Collectibles LLC的一位代理律师和佛罗里达州私人侦探麦克斯?考菲尔德(Max Caulfield)表示,他们已请求主审法官批准这项和解方案。和解方案没有批驳Google为点击欺诈所做的辩护,而且由此Google也将无需在法庭上进一步披露其广告系统和反欺诈措施的细节。



  Google的副首席法律顾问Nicole Wong在公司网站刊登的声明中表示,和解方案对各方都是一个好的结果。一位原告律师乔治?麦克威廉姆斯(George McWilliams)表示,由于该和解方案不是最终结果,还需得到法官格瑞芬(Griffin)的批准,目前无法对细节问题做出进一步评论。Search Engine Watch网站周三报导了和解方案的达成。

  点击欺诈在搜索领域是一个热点问题,原因之一是搜索企业不愿披露界定点击欺诈的具体范围和所采取的反欺诈措施的细节。Google的首席执行长埃里克?施密特(Eric Schmidt)上周向分析师表示,Google拥有解决点击欺诈问题的员工和体系,并会在发生点击欺诈后补偿广告客户。他说,这对公司而言不是大问题。

  即使此和解方案获得批准,但这起诉讼中对雅虎公司(Yahoo! Inc.)等其他被告的指控还不会结束。雅虎公司的发言人对此项和解方案不予置评,但表示“我们坚信我们特有的点击保护系统,将会就此案进行积极辩护。”




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