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舊 2006-03-10, 10:28 AM
543 543 目前離線
註冊日期: 2005-12-25
文章: 146
預設 美國將近四分之一的人不上網?

根據Pew Internet & American Life Project 的報告指出,在美國 (通常被認為是科技最先進的國家) 有百分之23%的人口完全不使用Internet喔。接近全人口的四分之一呢。真是太驚人了。

根據報告發現,在美國家裡沒有任何網路服務的人口有三千九百多萬。其中31%的理由是:「在工作的時候用就夠了」。(這些人的工作壓力一定很大....) 接下來的理由就更驚人了:「因為對網路一點興趣也沒有」。(而且這樣的人口竟然佔18%!!!) 對很多現代人來說,網路根本就是生命的一部分啊,完全沒法理解怎麼會對網路沒有一點點興趣呢???

剩餘的理由也滿嚇人的:8%的人「不確定如何使用網路???」(還是有這種人的存在啊....)。 4%的人「覺得電腦太貴了」(這樣還比較容易理解....)。還有39%是「其他」(個人非常懷疑其他裡面包括哪些???) 所以這份報告顯示,目前網路市場要擔心的是需求不足、供給過剩的大問題唉。


Hardcore Non-Users Slow Internet Growth MARCH 7, 2006

Let's face it, not everyone is going to go online. Some non-users are going to be never-users.

The signs were there last year, the Pew Internet & American Life Project reported broadband penetration, after experiencing explosive growth for several years, was growing more slowly. During the first six months of 2005, 53% of home Internet users said they had a broadband connection, up only three percentage points compared with 2004.

Now comes further confirmation of a slowdown.

Starting from a lower base than Pew, Park Associates estimates that only 63% of US households had Internet access in 2005— and that figure will rise to only 64% this year. These figures are broadly in line with eMarketer's own numbers which project that 62.3% of US households will have an Internet connection in 2006, up from 61.2% in 2005, with a rise to 64.4% in 2007.

"There are people out there, as hard as it is to believe, that don't use e-mail," John Barrett of Parks Associates told CNET. "I guess old habits die hard. It's hard to imagine not using e-mail and not using Google, but there's just a certain demographic where that's the case."

The publication quoted Parks researchers as saying that 42% of Americans now have some form of broadband access at home, and an additional 22% have dial-up. Bringing the Parks numbers closly in line with Pew figures, the report notes that 13% get Internet access only outside the home — at work or a library — and 23% still don't use the Internet.

Parks found that there are currently 39 million homes in the US without Internet access, and among them, only eight million contain a computer, an obvious prerequisite for Internet adoption.

Reasons given for lack of interest in going online at home varied, but among households that will not subscribe to an Internet service at any price, 31% said having access at work is sufficient for their Internet needs. Another 18% simply claimed, "I am not interested in anything on the Internet."

"We are clearly facing a problem of demand, not supply," said Mr. Barrett. "Computers and Internet service have never been cheaper, yet many households still show little enthusiasm for the technology."
543 543 543
舊 2006-03-10, 10:50 AM
543 543 目前離線
註冊日期: 2005-12-25
文章: 146

據統計到2004年二月為止,美國的六十五歲以上老年人口中,上網比例有22%。 這個數字較公元二千年時上升了47%,當年美國老人上網比例為15%。

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