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舊 2010-01-16, 08:55 AM
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預設 bit.ly pro服務將於月底開放,會對domain市場有一些影響

bit.ly是twitter目前官方專用的短網址,它的使用數量已遠遠超過tinyurl.com了。而bit.ly可能會在一月底就開放bit.ly pro的使用,如果我沒有理解錯的話,所謂bit.lt pro就是類似gmail for domain一樣,讓你可以使用自己的域名以及bit.ly的服務來做為自己的短網址服務,而且這項服務還是免費的。但它也另有收費的premium服務。



二、各ccTLD的短網址需求大增,許多網站甚至大一點的企業,可能都會去弄個符合自己網站和公司形象的短網址或者domain hack來做自家的轉址服務。bit.ly pro甚至還有FAQ告訴大家如何和去哪選購短網址。

bit.ly Pro FAQ

What is necessary to setup bit.ly Pro?
There are three items necessary for bit.ly Pro:
A registered bit.ly username
A short domain that you own/manage to use for custom URL shortening
A domain you wish to monitor in the dashboard

What is the difference between the dashboard and existing bit.ly URL statistics?
Bit.ly tracks the social distribution of any given URL. The Pro dashboard rolls up that data for your domain, with aggregate real-time statistics over the past 24 hours. bit.ly shows statistics for a URL -- pro rolls up those metrics across all instances and shortening of a domain

How much does bit.ly Pro cost?
bit.ly will not charge for the custom domain service or the basic dashboard. They'll be free products. Free means free. But it also means that we cant do a lot (if any) custom service under the free plan. We will offer a premium bit.ly Pro service to accommodate more robust enterprise needs as well as a paid incident customer service plan.

What about my existing short URLs created under bit.ly or j.mp?
If you've been using bit.ly or j.mp, all of the statistics associated with your username will be preserved under your bit.ly Pro account. Once you have a custom domain setup under bit.ly Pro, those hashes migrate seamlessly to your custom domain (ie. if you created the URL http://bit.ly/1234 under your existing username, under bit.ly Pro, the URL http://mycustom.domain/1234 would redirect to the same destination with the same statistics when you look at the associated info page).

Can we have multiple users on each account?
There is a one-to-one mapping for bit.ly usernames and custom domains for bit.ly Pro. If you wish to have multiple custom domains for each of your brands/web properties, you will need to register a different username for each. We will offer a premium service to accommodate more robust enterprise needs such as multiple usernames in the near future.

Are there any changes to the API for bit.ly Pro?
Once a custom domain has been configured for your bit.ly Pro account, domains shortened under the associated username and API key will now shorten URLs with your custom domain. You do not need to change your code

How secure are my shortened URLs and who can access my shortener?
bit.ly Pro has the same spam and malware protection as bit.ly. In addition to this, with bit.ly Pro, only your credentialed username can create URLs under your custom domain, protecting your branded shortened URLs from pointing to anything malicious or unintended.

Will my custom domain work with a certain 3rd party tool?
Once a custom domain has been configured for your bit.ly Pro account, all 3rd party tools that allow you to enter your bit.ly username and API key will now shorten URLs with your custom domain.

Do you have any guidance on how/where to select/research/obtain short domains?
The most important decision for bit.ly Pro is choosing and purchasing a good short domain to match your branding. We strongly suggest the domain name be kept to 5-6 characters. Check out Wikipedia to examine all of the top level domains and get creative. Click on the desired TLD on the page to find out the restrictions and available domain registrars. The understanding is that few will ever type these domains, they are created, shared and clicked. Hence, the branding of your short domain should focus on being visibly recognizable - msspllngs wrk vry wll ("misspellings work very well"). There's a scarcity of characters in Tweets and SMS, so every character saved grants you more ability to annotate the message. We are not procuring domains for users at this time or offering subdomains off of bit.ly for bit.ly Pro usage.
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