A.一文請勿多貼。 B.請選擇相關屬性的版面發文。 C.各類廣告有專版,請勿隨意發至不相干之版面。 ---------------------------------------------- 發佈您網站的新聞請到 What's New 新聞發佈網來。 |
layout is good but too many adsense ads.
what is your website all about? teaching how to make money online? there are a lots of ways to drive traffic. the best way today is using web2.0 platforms. I suggest you add a blog to your site, write some articles on your topics post them on your blog, minimum 1 post per week. then use social bookmarking sites like yahoo, google,mister wong and so on
and book mark your articles. you may also try facebook, myspace social networking sites, add people who are interested in your topics and ask them to exchange comments links, favorite on technorati and so on. there are many other ways, but social bookmarkig or networking probably is the most powerful strategies these days. one more thing you should add more descriptive words on your site title, no one knows what your site is about after they visit it. but will they? they won't. i can tell you because people are lazy and your site title will provide much more information than just saying free resources. what kind of free resources you are providing? if you want to all sort of affiliate links to this site, you are warned because most directories may reject your site if you are going to do SEO... hopes that help 此篇文章於 2008-03-31 12:48 PM 被 Seo雷鳥 編輯。 原因: want to add more comments |