AdSense 收入可以透過台灣的銀行取款
進入後台「我的帳戶」->「付款詳細資料」,可以選擇用西聯快匯 (Western Union Quick Cash) 直接收款: 引用:
http://www.payment-solutions.com/agent.asp |
應該還沒有完全弄好吧! |
Thank you for your continued participation in the AdSense program. We are excited to let you know that we plan to offer a chance to a small number of publishers in your country... Receiving your AdSense payments by Western Union is free and you will no longer need to wait for a check to arrive by the mail. This will also cut down on bank fees and long clearing times associated with depositing check.
台灣好像有幾家是有支援Western Union..像是國泰世華.. 如果是免手續費的話 那真的就很棒了 |
不,那段話不是在Big G 網站中, 是我個人的E-mail...
關於台灣使用西聯快匯 (Western Union Quick Cash)似乎是個系統BUG
看這篇http://groups.google.com/group/adsen...93a83b58f6f842 引用:
我想我收到的這個不是bug,如果是bug,也許是歪打正著吧!! Moreover, 我已經回覆並以收到回函:
Thank you for accepting our invitation to receive your payment by Western Union Quick Cash. We have added you to our list of beta testers...... Please keep in mind that your next payment will be sent by your current form of payment. Your following payment will be sent by Western Union. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to inform us about it.
此篇文章於 2007-11-21 05:05 AM 被 georgechao 編輯。 |