舊 2007-04-17, 12:26 PM
Alone Alone 目前離線
註冊日期: 2007-04-17
文章: 9
問題 請教 : "wildcarded DNS/wildcarded subdomains"


初來報到, 請多多指教

我想在我其中一個的website安裝由以下網站提供的 php redirection 系統


但我不明白甚麼是 wildcarded DNS/wildcarded subdomains


This software requires a running webserver (preferred apache) with php 4.1 installed (no version below 4.1 is supported!).
You also need 1 or more domains with wildcarded subdomains. If you are not sure what this means, ask you webspace provider about this.
The wildcards must point to the web root directory.
The software has been tested under Windows(tm) and Redhat(tm) Linux (both with apache as webserver).
我是使用 VDS 的 (有ssh root 權限 及使用 Plesk8.1)

我已將那個想使用milliscripts的domain physical host 在我的 VDS

(PS : 在同一個 VDS/IP 共 HOST 了3個domain)

我亦向我的網存查詢過, 我的 VDS 是support wildcard function 的

根據網路上搜尋得來的方法 :

我新增了以下的 DNS RECORD

Host : *.abcde.com.
Record type : A
Value : ***.**.***.*** (我的IP)

(abcde.com = 假設的domain)

Wildcarded DNS. The script will not function without this feature. To check if your web host offers wildcarded DNS, you can perform the following test: Start your browser, pick a random word (i.e. "asdf"), and enter your domain name with the random word in front of it like this: asdf.yoursite.com. If you can see the front page of your web site in your browser now, your web host offers wildcarded DNS. However, if the browser response is something like "unable to locate the server asdf.yoursite.com", then your web host does not offer wildcarded DNS, and you cannot use Subdomains (unless, of course, you move to a server that offers this feature).


假如我瀏覽 123456.abcde.com
而 123456 是一個不存在的 subdomain
應該會指向了 domain : abcde.com 的 front page

但我現在卻指向了 Server (IP) 的 Default page


煩請指教, 謝謝